A note on fees and costs

Financial Planning Perth Fees and Costs

Financial Planning Fees and Costs

WSP financial planners have a shared philosophy that many products can be used to fulfill a desired strategy. Over time, certain products will vary in performance, cost and ease of administration.

Our past experiences, and those of WSP clients, have demonstrated that the issue of fees is perhaps not as much a case of costs as it is of ‘value’ and ‘service’. In charging fees, give a commitment to deal with clients:

  • In an open and honest manner,
  • In situations where value can be found by change, we will endeavour to minimise the impact of costs brought about by that change by minimising fees, where possible,
  • And remaining open to discussion as to whether we provide value.


Where appropriate, strategies will be identified that help to reduce total costs. Example initiatives include :

  • Low account turnover and longer-term strategies
  • Utilising lower cost “passive” portfolios where appropriate
  • Where possible adopting online reporting and account information.

If you decide to proceed with our services we will discuss your preferred method of paying for that advice and service.


Further Reading:

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